Firstly, congratulations on your new piercing! I hope you love it. This is a copy of your aftercare/release form for your body piercing.
Secondly, thanks for choosing to get pierced by me! The scary part is over BUT you still need to take great care of your piercing throughout the healing process. You've just went through the effort (and pain!) of getting a new piercing and now you want to make sure it heals smoothly! I've done my best to pierce you using the highest level of hygiene and the best of the best quality jewellery. The rest is up to you!
The success rate of healing is very dependant on you and how committed you are to following aftercare. If you neglect aftercare and mess around with your fresh piercing (playing with it and touching it) then your likelihood of complications are going to be much higher.
The concept is very straightforward – let your body heal! Think about when you get a cut or a scrape. You don't need to use a cocktail of chemicals or sprays. Your body is pretty amazing at taking care of itself.
Chemicals won't heal your piercing, only your body will. This means no nasty chemicals, soaps, essential oils or ointments such as alcohol, Dettol or even the piercing spray you find at the pharmacy! These usually do more harm than good and slow down healing. The only product suitable is a Sterile Saline Wound Wash. This is essentially like sterile water to flush out the piercing. We stock this (Neilmed Brand) at the studio or might be able to advise if an equivalent product is suitable – ask me if you find one.
Once or twice daily: rinse your piercing out with clean water in the shower. Do this last before you turn off the water. This helps rinse away any soaps, shampoo, sweat and day-to-day dirt you don't want there. You can also use Sterile Saline Wound Wash after turning off the water.
If you have any stubborn “crusty stuff” you can gently wipe it away with gauze (preferably non-woven if possible – it doesn't have any little fibres that can stick to the piercing) soaked with saline from the packs. Dry it after with a fresh piece of gauze. You can find this at the pharmacy. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water first.
If you got an oral piercing they swell quite a bit initially. Something cold is great for this to soothe that swelling. Drinking icy water can help and feels good. Sleeping with an extra pillow (elevating your head!) can help too. Avoid any activity that would result in someone else’s body fluid getting into the piercing, including sharing food/drink and intimacy. You can rinse your mouth out with filtered or bottled water regularly after eating. Don't worry about mouthwash unless you smoke. You can use dilluted, alcohol free mouthwash after brushing your teeth (twice daily – please!)
Avoid whitening toothpastes and mouthwashes as these often contain irritating chemicals such as peroxides which your piercing won't like! Now is a great time to get a new toothbrush. Consider an electric one as they do a better job with less scrubbing back and forth that has potential to bump your piercing.
Your card might state when to come back for a downsize (shorter jewellery) or when to change it. Not all piercings require a downsize but many do so make sure to check back in. Your piercing might have longer jewellery to accomodate for swelling during the initial healing. Afterwards, it's very important to come back and get shorter jewellery as your piercing is much more prone to getting irritated while the jewellery is too long. Also sleeping on the piercing when jewellery is too long may cause the angle to shift. Once it's downsized it will be much more comfortable AND look way nicer! Nobody wants an antenna poking out from their ear, nostril, lip etc!
Downsizing is often crucial in ensuring the piercing heals quickly and properly.
Clean bedding can help prevent complications. A clean t-shirt over your pillow, changed regularly until your pillowcase is washed, is strongly encouraged for ear and facial piercings.
Travel pillows can help you avoid sleeping directly on your ear while healing an ear piercing. Sleeping on ear piercings before downsizing may cause the angle to shift and make your piercing “wonky” from pressure. Don't sleep on it until you get shorter jewellery!
Stay healthy! The healthier you are the faster you heal. Eat well, drink lots of water, get plenty of sleep etc. If you're run down or sick you will take longer to heal your piercing.
If you're having any troubles:
Most problems are NOT infection. Often this is the first thing many jump to. Get in touch if you have concerns about your piercing. I'm always happy to answer questions.
When to Seek Medical Assistance:
While infection is very rare, it is a crucial to contact a Doctor if you do have one. Things to watch out for are sudden onset of excessive swelling, excessive bleeding, discharge of bright yellow, green, or dark fluids. Some redness, swelling and discharge clear/light yellow) is normal, but excessive redness and/or red stripes coming from the piercing site are indicative of serious problems. Fever, upset stomach, dizziness, or vomiting may also be signs of infection. Should any of these symptoms occur, immediately contact a doctor. But don't worry – these are very rare occurrences if you follow aftercare
What to Avoid:
Avoid touching your piercing . This is the best way to get an irritated or infected piercing. Think about all the nasty stuff you might touch every day. Money, public transport, doors, handrails and pretty much everything in public places. If you need to touch your piercing for any reason – wash your hands thoroughly first.
Do not remove your jewellery during the healing process. The only exception would be if required for medical reasons. Even healed piercings will shrink when jewellery is removed, potentially resulting in loss of the piercing.
Prevent makeup, health and beauty products, suntan lotion and other cosmetics from touching the piercing site or jewellery. My favourite rule to follow is: If you don't want it in your eye, you don't want it in your piercing! Harsh chemicals, including “natural” aftercare products like tea tree oil should be avoided.
It is important to avoid swimming while healing a new piercing. Swimming can result in infected or irritated piercings.
Do not rotate, twist, or turn jewellery while healing. This like your piercing equivalent of picking at a scab!
That should cover most of it! However there is no such thing as a silly question. Don't hesitate to get in touch if you're unsure of anything, it's what I'm here for! I want your new piercing to heal as quickly and problem free as you do.
Quickest way to get in touch is Facebook message or email. Otherwise you can always book a consultation/checkup.
Finally, if you had a positive experience I would LOVE it if you told your friends/family! “Word of mouth” advertising is a powerful thing and helps me continue to do what I love doing. Positive reviews on facebook (etc) are greatly appreciated too!
@piercingbywilliam (instagram)
147 Liverpool Street, Hobart